Understanding the Impact of Children’s Traumatic Experiences

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Jul 10, 2015
Time 01:00 PM EDT
Cost $49.00
Get a firm grasp on children’s trauma disorders in the DSM-5, and improve your understanding of how they impact the lives of your most vulnerable clients.

Full Description:
Professionals treating or working with traumatized children often find it challenging to keep up with the explosion of trauma-related research and clinical literature – especially in neuroscience – that has emerged in recent years. This webinar explains common types of psychological trauma, the effects of trauma, and how a variety of risk and protective factors can influence its impact. Learn how trauma and related problems are diagnosed in the DSM-5 and gain an understanding of the neurobiology underlying the effects of trauma. This foundational information, presented in clear and understandable terms, describes traumatized children’s behaviors and why a combination of treatment approaches – both traditional and nontraditional – is often needed to effectively treat them. 

Course Includes:
Live Q&A
Presentation Handout
Post session recording access
CE Credit

What You Will Learn:
Analyze the types of significant trauma in children that are most likely to receive treatment
Explain common effects of trauma and factors that make the impact of trauma on children more or less severe
Apply diagnostic criteria from the DSM- 5 for common trauma-related disorders
Describe five major areas of impact of trauma on the brain
Articulate what happens when children go into “fight, flight, or freeze” mode and its implications for intervention

Your Presenter:
ROBERT LUSK, PhD, a clinical psychologist for over 20 years, has devoted the majority of his career to helping traumatized children and adolescents. He has worked extensively with child trauma victims and their families, and provides training and consultation to parents and professionals about trauma-related issues, parenting special needs children, attachment disorders, psychotropic medications, and psychiatric disorders. For the past 22 years, Dr. Lusk has served as the Clinical Director at The Baby Fold—a multi-service agency providing residential, special education, child welfare, adoption/foster care support, and numerous other services to children and families in Illinois. There, he provides clinical supervision and consultation to all of the agency's treatment programs. Dr. Lusk also instructs courses at Illinois Wesleyan University and has been actively involved in investigative research on trauma since 1987, including studies of treatment approach efficacy, and cognitive and school-related effects of trauma. He has published several journal articles and book chapters on understanding and treating traumatized children, and has taught both graduate and undergraduate seminars on trauma. 

Dr. Lusk has presented at local, regional, and national conferences on the effects and treatment of childhood trauma. He also conducts a local radio show, Ask Dr. Rob, where he discusses and takes calls about a variety of psychological issues. He earned his Master's and Doctoral degrees in Clinical Psychology from the University of California at Los Angeles and has trained in a variety of interventions including cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, couples and family therapy, and EMDR. He has been a member of the APA for more than 20 years, and is a member of the APA's Division of Clinical Psychology as well as the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society.

Only registered attendees will have access to CE. A Cross Country Education web account is required to attend. There is no charge for a CCE web account. It is recommended that you join the meeting 15 to 20 minutes early. Speaker phone sound quality is poor and it is recommended that they not be used to listen to the event.

Technical requirements:
To view this webinar you will need to download the WebEx Application. You will be prompted to download it when you first enter the site. To save time, you can setup prior to the meeting by following this link: https://apidemoeu.webex.com/apidemoeu/meetingcenter/mcsetup.php

Who Should Attend:
Psychologists, Social Workers, Counselors, School Psychologists, Adoption Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, Case Managers, Foster Care and Adoption Workers, Psychiatrists, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners, School Guidance Counselors, Mental Health Nurses, Child Advocacy/Protective Service Staff, Educators and Therapeutic Child Care Staff, Pastoral Counselors/Clergy, Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors


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