From Stone Age to New Age – Applying Open Source Methods in Internal Development

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Nov 14, 2013
Time 11:30 AM EDT
Cost Free
The open source community has proven that great software can be built in a highly collaborative, open environment with participation from a wide variety of developers working in very different environments. If you work in a large company employing hundreds or even thousands of developers, you too can harness the collective intelligence of your fellow developers to deliver more robust, more creative solutions. Join us as Dave Gruber, Director of Product Marketing at Black Duck Software and Andrew Aitken, Managing Director of Black Duck Consulting explore the path to bringing these proven methods into your company.
Attendees Will Learn: 
     •    The principles of building community across internal software development teams 
     •    The internal mechanisms needed to support community-style development 
     •    Where to start and how to engage the rest of your team
Speaker - Dave Gruber, Andrew Aitken 
Webinar URL -
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