Stop the Summer Slide- A free Webinar

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Jul 29, 2017
Time 12:00 PM EDT
Cost Free
“A Free session by Dr. Patricia Porter on Summer Slide”

As you know, School’s out for summer and it’s time for a break! But for many students, several months with little to no academic interaction, can cause serious concerns when they return to school in the fall.

Register today for a free webinar on 29th July 2017 (Saturday) at 10AM PDT.

                                                           Register Now

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Join Patricia- A Learning Specialist, she will explain effective ways to keep kid’s minds sharp during summer vacation days.

In this webinar, you will learn:
  • What exactly summer Slide is
  • Why it is important to not let it happen
  • How to Stop summer Slide
  • How to keep kids engaged (without them even knowing you’re doing it)!
                                                        Book Your Seat
Free enrollment!! Limited seat availability – Register today.


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