Webinar On "The Real Cost of The Food Code- Healthcare Settings, The Food Code serves as a guide to close the Gap, Leveraging Risk and Service"

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Jul 31, 2017
Time 03:00 PM EDT
Cost $239
Description :

Leveraging Information to Navigate Food Safety and Consumer Concerns

Food safety has become a major topic that must be considered by both institutions and producers within the food supply chain to calculate the risk and reduce the likelihood of not just outbreaks, but closing the gap on consumer preferences, allergies, diet restrictions. Under 483.60 Food & Nutrition Services, §482.28 (Hospital) Food and Dietetic Services, food procurement, production, processing, sales and service your staff must be fully equipped, aware of ingredients, recipes and preparation products to reduce risk.

Food safety training and education of personnel and volunteers must consider the ever-changing dynamics, and necessary intervention in the food chain. CMS solely recognizes the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Food Code and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) food safety guidance as national standards to procure, store, prepare, distribute and serve food in a safe and sanitary manner. Whereas Medicare and Medicaid is not a regulatory agency, all of its regulations, codes, and policies are dependent on CMS Interpretive Guidance issued to state agencies, survey teams and providers that are based on the Food Code for Food and Nutrition Services processes.

Interpretive Guidelines
CMS Interpretive Guidelines are always based on The FDA Food Code which has been adopted by all 50 states, the US territories and most of the tribal Nations. As to "Appropriate Practice Memorandum's and Summary Guidance Memorandums" issues from time to time or when clarification is necessary; relating to "the elimination of risk to residents" or the at-risk populations (children, hospitalized, or older Americans), It is in accordance with recommendation of "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) standards. Even when resident’s rights are in question, outlined in §483.15(b) "Self Determination and Participation" the guidance is still must not violate basic CDC and or FDA strong advice, as outlined in a recent "Advance Copy of Revised F371" (Preparation of Eggs in Nursing Homes- letter May 20, 2015) (1)... Therefore, … however the CDC and the FDA strongly advise against serving unpasteurized, undercooked eggs to highly susceptible populations which includes elders and persons residing in LTC facilities.

Objective of the webinar :
Topics We Will Explore:

The Cost of Educating Your Staff
Your staff must be information as to your organizations policies, process and how to communicate consumers their rights, risk and offering alternative choices. The language of caring equips your staff at how to communicate these concerns to your consumers in order to meet their needs. Uniquely in Healthcare settings, consumers at nutritional risk are also at risk for weight loss, these individuals should be referred to your dietitian. Staff members should also be aware of (i)(3) policy regarding use and storage of foods brought to residents by family and other visitors to ensure safe and sanitary storage, handling, and consumption…

The Cost of Not Educating Consumers
Consumers today demand that the food they eat be safe and free from harmful contaminants that cause illness, however, they also request more choices of foods they have access when at home or in the community. This require more and more food service operations take appropriate actions to ensure a safe food supply. Consumers have also demon¬strated that they will hold all these “food suppliers”—in¬deed, all segments of the food supply chain—accountable for foodborne illnesses.

Food Code 2013, FSMA- Updating Interpretive Guidance
Down-loadable Training, Education PDF's, Tools; Policy & Procedure Statements

Areas Covered in the Session :
The goal of this Webinar is to share tools, tips and resources to promote a cohesive food service, safety plan.
  1. Incorporating of Food Code in food management process, & consumer choice.
    • Identify that consumers have choice, include options that incorporate in menu options.
    • Identification of hazards and Critical Control Points (CCPs) in food operations
    • Deploying A Culture of Food Safety around food service staff, allied staff and volunteers deploying safe food options.
  2. Developing policy, process and procedures to meet consumer choice
    • What are the criteria your food service staff, allied staff and volunteers must follow for alternative actions, choices?
    • When/what are the criteria that determine when safety trumps choice?
    • Why should your organization these steps/actions in your action plan?
    • Who/how does the organization reach; 90% of food service choice consumers.
  3. Knowledge of local, state and federal guidelines, codes
    • Understanding FDA guidelines
    • Considerations you must make in planning; where/location, and preparing/training your Staff, Volunteers.
    • What are other basic Codes, Regulations you must consider.
  4. Clear Messaging / Communication / Training for Events
    • Communicate to Administration, mangers, all employees, members of your community the values, reason why the organization exists.
    • Roles others to play in this messaging and expressing the organizations values.
    • Partnering to Reduce the Risk!
    • Importance of Your Teams & Partners Buy-In, to Reduce & Understanding Risk
  5. The Real Cost of Food Code
    • Cost of noncompliance, Hospitalization of those at risk
    • Cost of noncompliance, survey team coming in to investigations, making corrective actions
    • Cost of training vs hospitalization
  6. Risk Management Mitigation Strategies: Being Prepared to "Take The Lead within their local community offering Food Service Safely
    • Establishing a plan to communicate formal & informal messaging of Food Service.
    • Communicating organizations Mission, Vision, Goals & Objectives of keeping food safe.
    • Knowledge and understand of overall food operation to communicate your food safety plan
    • Establishing year-round Plan that Promotes food service, food safety in your planning
  7. The Cost of not considering risk management or Incident Management
    • How to acknowledge & document the risk of improper food handling, food service, Incorporate in training.
    • Acknowledge the organization has a process to reducing risk and staff’s role in the process
    • Promoting the organizations knowledge directly in messaging, volunteer training, acknowledge the role of direct and indirect players. (It is no longer good enough for food handlers, staff to know; staff, volunteers that serve food & beverage must also have knowledge of importants of reducing risk).
  8. Understanding four stages mature Incident Management Process:
    1. Plan and prepare
    2. Respond
    3. Document
    4. Investigate

Who Will Benefit:
  1. Hospital, Long Term Care Administrators, Directors who want to develop customized training programs, better delivery of content to Frontline Staff, Axillary Departments with a focus on building a Culture of Food Safety, integrating Food Code, Planning.
  2. Directors, Managers, Chefs, Cooks and Supervisors who support healthcare food operations,
  3. Axillary Departments, Staff; Activities, Nursing Departments Managers, Supervisors. Other departments that indirectly serve food and beverage who need to know service standards, regulations but want a better, more comprehensive understands of how to put in place food service, food safety plans, to better offer education, training of staff, volunteers.
  4. Day Cares, Schools, Other smaller facilities whose staff struggle with inspections, that may need additional, ongoing education, food safety.
  5. Anyone desiring to have a better understanding of improving Sanitation, Food Safety Planning in Healthcare setting.
  6. Assistant Living Director’s, Food Service Managers
  7. Chef's, Cooks, Supervisors who want to improve ability to better write food safety plans.

    About Speaker:
    Larry David Bowe, Principle Consultant- Food Safety Certified Instructor with 36 plus years of Hospitality, Food Safety Management, fostering positive growth and promoting opportunities for commercial as well as progressive healthcare organizations. Larry believes in Promoting Global Food Safety as the Catalysis for organizational growth, and responsible food safety and sanitation practices as the framework that creates a culture of food safety.   


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