How to Lead a Customer Service Culture Transformation, 16 Nov

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Nov 16, 2017
Time 01:00 PM EDT
Cost Free
What differentiates you from your competitors? How can you stand out from the crowd?

Building a Customer Service Culture establishes a foundation for service excellence and becomes the driver for your brand reputation and long-term competitive advantage.

In this Webinar, leaders will learn:
  • Why so many service improvement efforts fall short or simply fail.
  • How to build a culture that motivates service mindset every day.
  • The proven UP! Your Service methodology to build strong service cultures.
  • Four counter-intuitive strategies that are more effective than traditional approaches.
  • World-class examples from industries and companies around the world.
  • Next steps to build team alignment and gain commitment for stronger service culture.
Join us on this webinar with Ron Kaufman, global thought leader, educator, and keynote speaker who specializes in building service cultures in the world’s largest and most respected organizations, including Singapore Airlines, Changi Airport, Xerox, AIA, Nokia Networks, General Motors, Johnson&Johnson, Coca-Cola, Marina Bay Sands, LUX* Resorts, Microsoft, and Wipro.

Please email to register. 


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