Advanced DevOps Webinar

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Jul 25, 2018
Time 01:00 PM EDT
Cost Free
DevOps practices have transformed the IT industry by imparting automation and monitoring at all the stages of software development. Advanced DevOps takes a deep dive into the DevOps concepts to meet the ever-changing, transformational business demands with its tools and processes. Globally, skilled Advanced DevOps professionals are highly sought after due to their proven ability to deliver best-in-class applications and services in an agile manner. Advanced DevOps bridges the gap between development and operations and leverages best practices and principles to achieve excellent outcomes.

Focusing on the significance of Advanced DevOps, our webinar is aimed to enlighten professionals to incorporate this technology into their portfolio.

A brief outline of what webinar would cover:
  • Introduction to the DevOps ecosystem
  • Introduction to the High-Availability Architecture
  • Introduction to the Kubernetes Ecosystem
  • Job Opportunities with Advanced DevOps Training & Certification
  • Prerequisites and Target Audience for the Advanced DevOps Training


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