Enrollment Management: How to Improve Student Retention & Student Success Free Webinar

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Sep 27, 2018
Time 12:00 PM EDT
Cost Free
Please join Dr. Robert Hill as he discusses the critical issue of improving student retention and what specific strategies your institution’s enrollment management plan should include. 

  • What are some of the theories and trends in the specialized niche area and what have we learned from all the research?
  • What are the main factors keeping students (both traditional and nontraditional) from persisting?
  • How do you manage the enrollment funnel?
  • Are your students engaged in educationally-purposeful activities, both inside and outside the classroom?
  • Who is responsible for student retention and do the faculty play a role?
  • Does the process of student retention differ in different institutional settings, residential and non-residential, two and four year, etc.?
Who Should Attend? College and university administrators, attorneys representing colleges and universities, deans, admissions officers, student affairs personnel


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